Business Motivation – July 13, 2011

YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK loved or unloved, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak. What you impress upon your mind, you’ll inevitably become. It’s a psychological law that whatever you desire to accomplish you must first impress upon your subconscious mind. Relentless, repetitive self talk will change your self image. You’ll affect your subconscious mind with verbal repetition. Constant repetition carries conviction. When you change your values you’ll change your behavior. Start thinking of yourself as becoming the person you want to be. Self suggestion will make you the master of yourself. You can become whatever you want to be. If you believe you can, you can. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)  

Business Motivation – April 11, 2011

Everything Is Possible If You Believe There are no real barriers to your success. You must simply overcome any doubts you have about your ability. Your self image prescribes the limits for your accomplishments. It prescribes the area of what is possible for you. Don’t be afraid of living. Believe that life is worth living and you will create that fact around you. If you see yourself as prosperous, you will be. If you see yourself as broke, that is exactly what you will be. You will never succeed until you believe you can succeed. You can be who you want to be. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)