Business Motivation – July 18, 2011

Success Is Within You Your mind is your true essence. How things look on the outside of you always depends on how things are on the inside of you. Your thoughts have brought you to where you are today. Your actions always mirror your thoughts. Take a good look at where you are and what you’re doing, and you can understand what you’ve been thinking. Your behavior is the perpetual revealing of yourself. What you do, tells everyone who and what you are. Change your thoughts and you can change your position in life. You can start this process at anytime. Why not start today? (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)  

Business Motivation – July 08, 2011

You Can Make Your Dreams A Reality You have the power and the opportunity to change your life. You can make anything you want of it. It’s not difficult, it just takes some effort. See things as you would have them be instead of as they are. Develop a personal plan that focuses on what you want, not on what you have. Your imagination will show you how to turn your possibilities into reality. Visualize your goals and your subconscious will begin to work toward making those mental pictures come true. If you picture yourself vividly as winning, that alone will contribute immeasurably to your success. Knowing your destination is all you need to get there. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation – July 06, 2011

You Determine Your Attitude There is no sudden leap to greatness. Your success lies in doing day by day. Your upward reach will come from working well and carefully. Good work done little by little becomes great work. The house of success is built brick by brick. Adopt the pace of nature. The secret is patience. A bottle fills drop by drop. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)  

Business Motivation – June 29, 2011

It Takes Persistence To Reach A Goal “Keep trying” is the rule that must be followed to be successful at anything. Your success will always be connected with your actions. Just keep moving towards your goal. You’ll make mistakes but don’t ever quit. You may even have to hang on after others have let go. Persistence means taking pains to overcome every obstacle, to do all that’s necessary to reach your goal. In the end, the only people who fail are those that do not try. All great achievement takes time. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)  

Business Motivation – June 20, 2011

Always Do Your Best At Everything Make it your life rule of living to always do your best. It’s your constant effort to be first-class in everything you attempt that will help you conquer the heights of excellence. Let superiority become your trademark. Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can. There is always a best way of doing everything. Find it. Do a little more than average and from that point on your progress multiplies itself out of all proportion to the effort you put out. Do more than you’re supposed to do and you can have or be or do anything you want. If you want to enjoy enduring success, travel a little in advance of the rest of the world. Your greatness will come from being great in the little things. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)  

Business Motivation – June 15, 2011

Do The Next Thing Keeping a little ahead of conditions is one of the secrets of business. The time to repair your roof is when the sun is shining. Do things before they need to be done. Let your advance worrying become advance thinking and planning. Position yourself ahead of time in the best place for you. You’ll gain the advantage in any situation through the medium of time. When you think ahead of any approaching action you’ll always have the advantage. You’ll be the winner. When you do what is necessary, all the odds are in your favor to attain the success you seek. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)  

Business Motivation – June 08, 2011

What Are You Doing Now We learn from the past, we plan for the future, but all we do is what we do today. What steps are you going to take today on your journey to reach your goals. Ask yourself this question, “In what I am doing now, is it taking me closer to or farther from my goals?” A simple question can make a small difference in what we do today. What you do today will make a big difference in where you end up tomorrow. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)  

Business Motivation – May 23, 2011

In Every Adversity “In every adversity is the seed of greater or equal opportunity.” This quote by Norman Vincent Peale can make a difference in how we perceive our situations every day. Look for the equal or greater opportunity in every situation. It is there. Believe it. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be open to you. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)  

Business Motivation – May 16, 2011

You Are What You Repeatedly Do First you make your habits, and then your habits make you. You become a slave to your constantly repeated acts. What at first you choose, at last compels. Your habits are either the best of servants or the worst of masters. Your thoughts lead you on to a purpose, your purposes go forth in action. Your actions form your habits. Your habits determine your character, and your character fixes your destiny. Once in motion, a pattern stays in motion. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation – May 2, 2011

All Success Starts With A Beginning Everyone who got where they are had to begin where they were. There are opportunities all around you. To reach your goal or to attain success, you don’t need to know all of the answers in advance. But you do need to have a clear idea of your goal. Don’t procrastinate when faced with difficult problems. Break those problems into parts and handle one part at a time. Develop tendencies toward action. Break your big plan into small steps and take the first step right away. You can make something happen, right now. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Take it. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)