Business Motivation – January 24, 2012

Life Responds To Your Outlook The dreams you choose to believe in come to be. When you feel in your innermost being that you will achieve what you set out to do, you open the way for miracles. Choose to believe something good can happen. Expecting it to happen energizes your goal and actually gives it momentum. What you expect to happen, happens. If you expect success, you’ll find success. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation – January 17, 2012

YOU GAIN STRENGTH OVERCOMING OBSTACLES Sooner or later you’ll encounter a crisis in your life, and how you meet it will determine your future happiness and success. Since the beginning of time, everyone has been called upon to meet such a crisis. Close scrutiny will show you that most “crisis situations” are opportunities to either advance or stay where you are. Indeed, most changes in your life will be due to either “inspiration” or “desperation.” Whatever comes your way, give it meaning and transform it into something of value. Personal growth is the process of responding positively to change. A precious stone cannot be polished without friction, nor humanity perfected without trials. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation – January 12, 2012

Your Future Is A Big Adventure Prepare for your future, don’t live in the past. Savor your good memories, and use any bad ones as lessons in life. You need to focus on your future not on your past. Carve out a niche for yourself in your imagined future. Think, feel and see yourself as successful. To achieve any goal in life, you need to project your end result. Think of the elation, the satisfaction, the joy you’ll feel when you reach your goal. Carry these ecstatic feelings with you every day and they’ll bring your desired goals into view. Sooner or later, you can win, if you think you can. The cards you are dealt in life are less important than the way you play them. Everyday you’re offered a new deal and new cards. Success is out there for you. Don’t wait for it to come to you, go out and find it. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation – January 10, 2012

There Is No Such Thing As No Chance Don’t think about the things you can’t do. Think about the things you can do. No matter what the level of your ability is, you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime. You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations to what you can do except the limitations of your own mind. Your range of available choices right now is limitless. Look at things as they can be. Never say never. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation – December 8, 2011

There Is No Such Thing As No Chance Don’t think about the things you can’t do. Think about the things you can do. No matter what the level of your ability is, you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime. You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations to what you can do except the limitations of your own mind. Your range of available choices right now is limitless. Look at things as they can be. Never say never. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation – December 6, 2011

Your Aspirations Are Your Possibilities The first ingredient of your success is to dream a great dream. You must dream big and think big to be big. High expectation always precedes high achievement. You’re as small as your controlling desires, or as great as your dominant aspirations. Once your mind stretches to a new idea it will never go back to its original dimensions. If you dream of little goals you can expect little achievement. Dream of big goals and you’ll win big success. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation – December 1, 2011

Miracles Are All Around Us You don’t need an explanation for everything. Recognize that there are such things as miracles, events for which there are no explanations. Later, knowledge may explain those events quite easily. The fact that you can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another’s, smile at someone and receive a smile in return are common miracles. Your duty to yourself is to believe that for which you have sufficient evidence, and to suspend your judgment when you have not. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Some things have to be believed to be seen. Vision is the art of seeing invisible things. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation – November 29, 2011

You Can Be Whoever You Want To Be There are no real barriers to your success. You must overcome any doubts you have about your ability. Your self image prescribes the limits for your accomplishments. It prescribes the area of what is possible for you. Don’t be afraid of living. Your belief that life is worth living will help you create the fact around you. If you see yourself as prosperous, you will be. If you see yourself as continually hard up, that’s precisely what you will be. You can never succeed until you believe you can succeed. Everything is possible if you believe. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation – November 22, 2011

Starting Is The Key To Success If you want to be successful you can start anytime. Your only true failure lies in the failure to start. The reason why so little is ever done, is generally because so little is attempted. The great thing is the start. To see an opportunity and to pursue it. Even though in the beginning, you’re not totally sure of all the answers to your questions. Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most. Don’t wait to overcome all your possible objections before you start, or nothing will ever be attempted. If you can get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation – November 17, 2011

There Is No Success Without Hardship The world is so constructed that if you wish to enjoy its pleasures, you must also endure its pains. Like it or not, you cannot have one without the other. Success is not measured by what you accomplish. It’s measured by the opposition you encounter, and the courage with which you maintain your struggle against the odds. You’ll find all things are difficult before they are easy. The greater your obstacles, the more glory in overcoming them. So, make up your mind before you start that sacrifice is part of the package. No pain, no gain; No thorns, no throne; No cross, no crown. You’ve got to go through the negative before you get to the positive. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)