Amazing Maids Referral Agency, Inc.

Dear Valerie,

Thank you for all you have done to help with Amazing Maids.  Your services have aided us immeasurably.  Before you began to consult with Amazing Maids, the stress was incredible because we lacked some important systems and needed to make a number of major revisions on our contracts.  We didn’t know where to begin—but you did.  You have guided Amazing Maids Referral Agency to:

  • Understand and improve business systems and communications with clients, maids and vendors alike.
  • Revise our contract with our maids in consultation with our contract attorney and ensure a smooth transition with the maids.
  • Recognize why our pricing structure was not working, leading to improved rate splits between the Maids and Amazing Maids as well as strategies for pricing our high quality services in the Northern Nevada market.
  • Greatly free up my time and reduce costs by switching the Maids from daily to weekly payments and to do so through direct deposit.
  • Switch Amazing Maids to a more efficient accounting system which has made a huge difference in my time.
  • Facilitate the further development of Amazing Maids as well as another new business, logistics, logistics, logistics . . .

Thank you Valerie for all that you have done to promote, solidify, train, run and encourage us to continue.  You have helped us keep our hands on the plow and begin paying ourselves—all without pulling out our hair!  Thank you, thank you, thank you . . .


Susan Beckett, President

Amazing Maids Referral Agency, Inc.

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