Business Motivation- September 21, 2011

Reality Forms Around Your Commitments Intense anticipation will transform your possibilities into reality. Strong desires will in time externalize themselves into concrete fact. Your desires are the precursors of the things which you are capable of having and doing. Weak desires will bring you weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat. The intensity of your desire governs the power with which your energies will be directed. When you care enough for a given result, you’ll almost certainly attain it. All of your dreams can come true, if you have the courage to pursue them. Reality forms around your commitments. Desire is the starting point for success. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation- September 14, 2011

There Is A Good Side To Every Situation View your problems as opportunities. You cannot have the success without the failures. Any experience can be transformed into something of value. Everything depends on the way you look at things. What are stumbling blocks and defeat before you can be stepping stones to victory if you remain determined. In all of your adversities lies the seeds of equivalent advantages. In every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the next time. When it’s dark enough you can see the stars. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

Business Motivation- September 12, 2011

Go After What You Want And You’ll Get It When you’re sure you’re on the right road to success you don’t have to plan your journey too far ahead. Don’t burden yourself with doubts and fears as to the obstacles that may bar your progress. You don’t need to know all your answers in advance. Just have a clear idea of the goal you want to reach. You can only take one step at a time. If you can muster up the courage to begin, you’ll find the courage to succeed. It’s the job you never start that always takes the longest to finish. Eighty percent of success is in showing up. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)  

Business Motivation- September 7, 2011

It’s Always A Good Time To Change The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you’re not going to stay where you are. You’re a product of your environment. So choose an environment that will best develop you toward your goals. Analyze your life in terms of your environment. Are the things around you helping you toward your success or are they holding you back? Your world today is a living expression of how you are using and have used your mind. It’s something that you can change at any time. You don’t have to remain a captive of your environment. Don’t say “If I could change, I would change,” say ”I can change, and I will change.” (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)