SuccessFlex Unlimited Potential Coaching Packages
Take action that will set you
and your business apart from all others!
As you step up, you will take a huge leap toward making your life and business even more of what you envision.
You will enjoy the proven methodology of Paul J. Meyer and Leadership Management International combined with skilled executive coaching and facilitation for your development process. This approach translates into accelerated and more lasting results.
With our experienced assistance, you will sort out the challenges you face and tackle them in a cost-effective and constructive manner to help you achieve the results you want.
We will start with a Win-Win Agreement that will address your challenges, set exciting goals and determine how you will track your success. This methodology will expand the results you can excel in the following areas:
Step 1: Clarify – Vision, Direction & Goals
Step 2: Strategize – Priorities, Loss/Benefit & Actions
Step 3: Upgrade Skills – Business, Leadership & Personal (Emotional Intelligence +)
Step 4: Optimize – Resources, Environment & Yourself
Step 5 Release – Negative Conditioning, Fears, Doubts, Insecurities & Limiting Beliefs
Step 6: Create: Confidence, Self-Esteem, Empowering Beliefs, Positive thinking, effective behaviors & exceptional results
Bonus: Relate each and every step to what you wish to achieve and what your challenges are. We will coach you to synthesize your challenges and with effective solutions to each of these steps.
You will receive learning materials written by Paul J. Meyer and Leadership Management International along with audio for spaced repetition to help you remember what you learn and enjoy lasting results!
An Achiever Assessment will be utilized to help you understand your:
- Leadership, Sales & Communication Styles
- Development Needs & Suggestions
- Development Plan of Action
Your motivations will be identified and ignited through the increased understanding of how to maximize your strengths while creating strategies to offset or minimize your challenges.
The My-Tyme Success Planning System is included with each Premium Coaching Package as a coaching tool to provide a system that combines the genius of Paul J. Meyer’s 9 Step Goal Planning System with other proven time management and calendaring techniques — all at your fingertips!
Unlimited Potential Coaching Topics are based on the Total Leader Solution which is based on two vital principles:
- The first principle is that for organizations to succeed in the 21st century, they must develop leaders throughout the total organization.
- The second principle is that for leadership development to be effective, it must utilize a complete, integrated, total leadership development process.
Effective Personal Productivity –
Is the ability to manage yourself, manage your time and manage your priorities to operate at maximum effectiveness.
Time Management – Planning and Priority Management
Goal Setting and Measurement – Delegation and Team Productivity
Effective Personal Leadership –
Is the ability to lead yourself, to be a leader of your own life. Personal leaders determine the life they want, and then, through planning and action make it happen. Personal leadership also means becoming a Total Person® – Growing and developing in all six areas of life.
Personal Mission and Purpose – Total Person Development
Values and Decision Making – Personal Growth and Self Motivation
Effective Motivational Leadership –
Is the ability to lead and motivate others. A motivational leader understands that people are the source of all progress and innovation, and thus the key to success in the 21st century. A motivational leader is able to help people develop and utilize more of their full potential.
Vision and Communication – Change and Innovation
Empowerment and Motivation – Coaching and Team Building
Effective Strategic Leadership –
A strategic leader is able to define and develop the purpose and vision of the organization, the key strategies, the optimum structure, the right people in the right roles, and the most effective processes for an organization to succeed.
Organizational Culture – Strategic Assessment
Strategic Development – Strategic Execution
Would you like to qualify for this
Unlimited Potential Coaching Package?
Step 1: Fill out your Strategic Development Self-Rating (Need to Provide Attachment)
Step 2: Thoughtfully respond to your Unlimited Potential Coaching Interview (Need to Set Up & Provide as Attachment)
Step 3: Attach Items I and II to your submission: