Business Motivation – March 14, 2011

Open Your Own Door To Opportunity Success doesn’t come to you. You must go to it. You don’t need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity. What you need is to use what you have. The golden opportunity you’re seeking is in yourself. It’s not in your environment. It’s not in luck or chance or the help of others. It’s in you. There will always be a new opportunity where there is an open mind and a willing hand. You must make your own opportunities. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

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Business Motivation – March 11, 2011

What You See is What You Get Visualize what you want. See it, feel it, believe in it. Your mind is your mental workshop.You can build anything you want in it. Make your mental blue print and then begin construction. See things as you would have them be instead of as they are. Use your imagination to perceive your new reality even when it’s not fully materialized. Remember, you must first clearly see a thing in your mind before you can do it or have it. Your imagination will show you how to turn possibility into reality. The beginning of your success is in your imagination. First think, then organize your thoughts into plans. Then transform your thoughts into reality by taking some positive action. See the things you want as already yours. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession. Picture yourself as having already achieved your goal. Dreams and ideas can cross continents and oceans. They go anywhere you can go. What you see is what you get. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

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Business Motivation – March 9, 2011

Open Your Own Door To Opportunity Success doesn’t come to you. You must go to it. You don’t need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity. What you need is to use what you have. The golden opportunity you’re seeking is in yourself. It’s not in your environment. It’s not in luck or chance or the help of others. It’s in you. There will always be a new opportunity where there is an open mind and a willing hand. You must make your own opportunities. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

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Business Motivation – March 7, 2011

Progress Begins One Step At A Time There is no sudden leap to greatness. Your success lies in doing, day by day. Your upward reach comes from working well and carefully. Good work done little by little becomes great work. Your house of success will be built brick by brick. Adopt the pace of nature. The secret is patience. A bottle fills drop by drop. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

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Business Motivation – March 2, 2011

Every Failure Is A Step Closer To Success Experiencing failure is inevitable on the highway to success. Every defeat is merely an installment to victory. People who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed. You won’t be judged by the number of times you fail, but by the number of times you succeed. And the number of times you succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times you fail and keep trying. Failure is nothing but education, nothing but the first step to something better. You can’t be a winner and be afraid to lose. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

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Business Motivation – February 28, 2011

You Won’t Get Anywhere Without A Goal A life without purpose is like a ship without a rudder. The purpose of a goal is to focus your attention. Your mind will reach toward achievement only when it has a goal. There is no achievement without goals. Establish a goal worth working for. Your goal will keep you going in tough times. Always have something ahead of you. Continuously visualize your next step. Keep moving after you achieve your goal and set another. Momentum is maintained by always having something to look forward to. Constantly give yourself something to work for. Do what you can do well, and do well whatever you can do. You can plant your dream. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

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Business Motivation – February 25, 2011

Starting Is The Key To Success If you want to be successful you can start anytime. Your only true failure lies in the failure to start. The reason why so little is ever done is generally because so little is attempted. The great thing is the start. To see an opportunity and to pursue it. Even though in the beginning, you’re not totally sure of all the answers to your questions. Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most. Don’t wait to overcome all your possible objections before you start, or nothing will ever be attempted. If you can get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed. Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology Leadership Management® International, Inc

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Business Motivation – February 23, 2011

You Can Achieve Anything The only thing that stands between you and what you want from life, is simply the will to pursue it and the faith to believe that it is possible. You can have anything on earth that you want, once you mentally accept the fact that you can have it. If you want success, begin thinking of yourself as a success. The feeling of being successful has to come first. If you have a deep inner conviction that you will always have all that you need, if you actually feel prosperous, it will be so. Only your mind sets your limits. Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology Leadership Management® International, Inc

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Business Motivation – February 18, 2011

You Can Make Your World Your intense anticipation of things to come will transform your possibilities into reality.  Your desires are the precursors of the things that you can have. They will in time externalize themselves into concrete fact. Just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat, weak desires bring weak results. Live your life with fire and passion. Always remember, if you care enough for the end result, you’ll almost certainly attain it. Your reality forms around your commitments. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

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Business Motivation – February 16, 2011

You Can Open Any Door With Concentration Concentration is the magic key that opens the door to accomplishment. The first law of success is concentration. Bend all of your energies to one point, and go directly to that point, looking neither to the right nor the left. In time, you can become what you earnestly desire to be, if you set your face in the direction of the things you want and bring all your powers to bear towards its attainment. When your physical and mental resources are focused, your power to solve problems multiplies tremendously. To do two things at once is to do neither. Success is the result of well directed energy. Nothing can add more power to your life as much as concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus. (Reprinted with permission, Sam Maitz, Director of Marketing Technology, Leadership Management® International, Inc.)

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