Business Coaching

Business coaching is like consulting, but the difference is business coaching teaches the business owner what’s wrong and how to fix it so problems don’t arrive in the future. With years of successful experience that can provide valuable insight, a Business Coach can help you develop long-term and short term goals and strategies, as well as improve your business in several areas – perhaps even some overlooked areas.

“Annual spending on business coaching in the United States is estimated at $1 billion.” – Harvard Business Review, November 2004

Business coaching is a type of personal or human resource development. It provides positive support, feedback and advice on an individual or group basis to improve their personal effectiveness in the business setting. Business coaching includes executive coaching, corporate coaching and leadership coaching.

There are almost as many different ways of delivering business coaching as there are business coaches. Some offer personal support and feedback, others combine a coaching approach with practical and structured business planning and bring a disciplined accountability to the relationship. Particularly in the small business market, business coaching is as much about driving profit as it is about developing the person.



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