Free Consultation

The “Free Initial Consultation is designed to give business owners and decision-makers the opportunity to gain valuable insights into their current business situation.

Benefits you will receive

  • Free book (value = $12.95)
  • Business Assessment (value = $175)
  • Free consultation with an experienced representative of an international performance improvement company that has been in business over 40 years. (Value = $150 – $200).
  • An action plan to address the #1 area for personal development pinpointed during discussion about the Leadership Assessment and Business Condition

What you can expect

  • We will sharing of best ideas and review of “Pink Slip Proof”
  • Review their Leadership Assessment and results (Requires the completion of the online survey. Take the survey here >)
  • Discuss your top 3 goals
  • Begin work on a plan of action for your top chosen areas for development

Questions you will be asked

Leadership Assessment

  • What are the top 3 traits or dimensions in leadership you feel are the most important to their organization right now?
  • Discuss why those traits are most important?

Business Conditions

  • What are your top 3 accomplishments in the previous year?
  • Who are the top 4 – 5 key players in your organization?
  • What would you want more of and what would you like less of and what would you want to keep the same?
  • What do you consider to be your key area of vulnerability and/or trends that could make their product or service obsolete
  • Some questions from page 95 of the book (it depends on their previous answers)

Activity for Call: Goal planning sheet (Plan of action)

  • You will be guided to fill in any blank areas on the goal planning sheet

Call To Schedule Your Assessment Today! 775.826.8282