Achiever Info

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How well do
you know yourself?
Do you know how you
stack up to other leaders?

Learn how you measure up to the world’s top earning, top performing people in leadership, communication & sales to help you gain the relationships you seek, make your productivity soar, and give you the dramatic results you are looking for.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”my-time-landing”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1444598259139{margin-right: -25px !important;padding-right: 40px !important;}”][vc_column_text el_class=”timestrapped-intro”]

The Achiever*

The Achiever is a unique test in that it combines mental and personality measurement in one instrument. It also has a scoring system that provides scores on a scale that can be related to the Normal Distribution and that easily relates scores to the job requirements by means of a benchmark of successful performers.

The Achiever measures the following aptitudes and traits:

Six Mental Aptitudes:
  • Mental Acuity – learning comprehension, judgment, reasoning and problem-solving ability
  • Business Terms – knowledge of basic business terms
  • Memory Recall – knowledge of current events as they relate to the job
  • Vocabulary – general English vocabulary skills
  • Numerical Perception – ability to handle numerically related tasks quickly and accurately
  • Mechanical Interest – measures interest in the mechanical area
Ten Personality Traits:
  • Energy – energy, drive, tension and stress levels
  • Flexibility – integrity, reliability, dependability and work ethics
  • Organization – personal orientation to plan and utilize time wisely
  • Communication – innate ability to meet and interact with people
  • Emotional Development – ego, self-esteem, self-confidence and ability to handle pressure
  • Assertiveness – strength and determination to get one’s way
  • Competitiveness – team orientation versus individualistic competitiveness
  • Mental Toughness – psychological stamina to deal with life and job problems
  • Questioning/Probing – instinct to question and probe rather than accepting things at face value
  • Motivation – security-motivated or recognition, incentive and commission oriented
The Achiever also contains two validity
scales to assess the accuracy of The Achiever report:
  • Distortion – frankness of the respondent as related to the statistical validity of the personality dimensions
  • Equivocation – consistent decision-making of the respondent as it relates to the accuracy of the personality dimensions measured

The Achiever uses the Stanine scoring system to compare an individual’s scores to a benchmark and the Normal Distribution. To learn more about the Stanine system and Benchmarking with The Achiever, please contact Strategic Essentials, Inc.

*Note:  The Achiever was created, validated and copyrighted in 1972 and is the first job related assessment in America.  It is recognized by both the EEOC and OFCCP.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator border_width=”3″][vc_column_text] 

The following notable organizations utilize the Achiever to select “A” performers and jump-start their performance:[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

  • American Fidelity Assurance
  • Brink’s Home Security
  • Cendant Corporation (Avis)
  • Crown Lift Trucks
  • Federal Express
  • Gemological Institute of America
  • Hard Rock Café
  • Haverty’s Furniture

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  • McGraw Hill
  • North American Lighting
  • Scottrade
  • TALX
  • TAC Americas
  • Toyota
  • Universal Computer Systems
  • University of Phoenix

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“I would estimate that the profile results were 99% accurate.  I feel that I can improve
my job effectiveness by 20% if I use the results to capitalize on my strengths and
improve the areas that I would like to improve on”

– Engineer[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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