We Do Things Differently

We know that long seminars and lengthy  lectures don’t work. So what we do is different. We offer short, action-oriented sessions held on a regular basis. And we do it at your workplace – eliminating costly travel expenses and major down-time for your staff.

We’ve learned that our process works best  when applied on-site with small groups. We utilize time-proven and  experience-tested principles. Team dynamics, spaced repetition, and immediate   application are keys to success.

We meet with you to determine exactly what it is you want to accomplish. Our process focuses on what’s important to you – not on what some “guru” says is important or a new “management fad”. Your goals become the driving force behind our results-centered process.

STEP 1 – Evaluate Performance

  • Identify Performance Objectives
  • Determine Current Level of Performance
  • Calculate Performance Gap

Starting with the results you want to achieve, we evaluate where your people are now. Based on our findings, we then calculate the performance gap.

STEP 2 – Plan of Action

  • Develop a Dynamic Plan of Action
  • Identify Critical Success Factors
  • Determine Method of Tracking Results

By identifying the changes that need to take place we help people set specific and measurable goals, and develop a detailed plan of action. Participants begin immediate application of techniques designed to help them change their behavior and develop new habits necessary to achieve the results you want.

STEP 3 – Change Behavior

  • Implement Step-By-Step change
  • Integrate Behavior Changes into Daily Productivity
  • Measure Progress as it Occurs

Implementing the process over several weeks has many benefits. Participants don’t feel overwhelmed and have sufficient time to master each step. Most importantly new behaviors are applied directly to real business issues. Because of our unique process, we are able to hard-wire these changes into your organization to assure long-term, ongoing results.

STEP 4 – Measure Results

  • Measure Results Achieved
  • Document and Communicate Return on Investment
  • Identify Additional Areas for Continuing Improvement

Our goal is to develop long-term relationships with our clients. To do that, our process must bring results and a high return on the investment made. Management must be able to link cause-and-effect of the investment to the desired result. We have over three decades of experience and hundreds of thousands of satisfied clients. The LMI Process can help you reach your goals!

Some of the differences between
training and development:
Training Development
Information/Seminar Behavioral Change
Task/skill Driven Goal Driven
Short Learning Cycle Long Learning Cycle
Teaching/Lecturing Multi-sensory Learning (& Participation)
Price Competitive Value Pricing
Short-term Results Long-term Results
Departmental Change Organization Culture Change
No Follow Up Follow-up  – Results Management
Measurement of Knowledge Measurement of Results
Event Process
Quick Fix Personal Responsibility & Accountability

Producing RESULTS using a Plan of Action

After helping people set specific and measurable goals, LMI helps them identify changes in behavior and habits required to reach these goals. LMI helps them identify changes in behaviors and the habits required to reach them. Participants achieve the desired results by immediately working on their Plan of Action.

Implementing the LMI process over several weeks offers invaluable benefits. The first benefit is based upon the time-proven principle that people learn by doing. At least 80% of new ideas heard in a seminar are quickly forgotten. In the LMI process, participants immediately put into practice what they are learning, and new behaviors are applied directly to daily issues.

Within a short time, participants “own” their behavior changes. Long-term retention of new behavior is strengthened by everyday application. To reinforce their learning even more, participants complete weekly feedback sheets, and results are measured. Accountability is important! As participants see their accomplishments, they are motivated and coached to do even better.

Find out how you can have a more profitable company AND receive a 10 or more return on investment TODAY by choosing from the following options: 

Option #1:  Arrange for a FREE Taste of Success — Increase Your Profits and Your Free Time session to immediately discern your best path forward in coaching, consulting or development processes.

Option #2:  Hold your own private, in-house custom leadership program for yourself and your team. Discover our exciting Total Leader Solution which sequentially follows research findings in best leadership development practices.

Don’t delay!  The sooner you get started, the larger your return will be and the sooner you will enjoy it!

For more info or to reserve your spot, email me or call 775-826-8282 or 916-932-2090.

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